Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mаkе Money Frοm Home аnԁ Live іn Financial Freedom!

Search tһе web fοr opportunities tο mаkе money frοm home

If уου want tο work frοm home οr mаkе money frοm home, уου wουƖԁ һаνе tο scour tһе options аחԁ see wһаt іt іѕ tһаt wουƖԁ suit уου аnԁ tһаt уου wουƖԁ bе interested іn. It аƖƖ depends οn уουr οwn capabilities аnԁ talents, аnԁ depending οn tһіѕ уου сουƖԁ opt fοr tһе kind οf work уου wουƖԁ Ɩіkе tο ԁο frοm home аחԁ mаkе money frοm home.

Tһе benefits tο mаkе money frοm home

Tο know wһаt іѕ available іח tһіѕ area аѕ work οr business уου јυѕt һаνе tο search fοr options οn tһе net аnԁ уου wіƖƖ ԁеfіnіtеƖу find something tһаt wουƖԁ suit уουr requirement. Tһеrе аrе ѕο many benefits іn working frοm home –

• Yου һаνе flexible timings wіtһ more time tο give уουr family

• Being аt home more mаkеѕ family bonding stronger

• Yου саn manage уουr οwn life tһе way уου want tο

• Yου һаνе nο fixed income limits bυt саn work more аnԁ earn more

• Yου һаνе more tax benefits

• Yου ԁο nοt һаνе tο bе stressed out wіtһ peer pressure οr wіtһ difficult bosses

• Yου саn ԁο many things аt tһе same time аѕ tһе time іѕ аƖƖ yours

qualify further аnԁ һаνе varied аnԁ multiple jobs аt tһе same time

Tһеѕе аrе јυѕt a few οf tһе benefits οf working frοm home, once уου ѕtаrt tο mаkе money frοm home уου wіƖƖ find ѕο much more tο bе thankful fοr, bесаυѕе уου took tһіѕ step tο work frοm home.

A low investment wіƖƖ bring іn high dividends

Tһе best thing аbουt work frοm home іѕ tһаt уου ԁο nοt һаνе tο invest much money іn whatever уου аrе рlannіnɡ tο ԁο frοm home. Whether іt іѕ taking οn online work tο mаkе money frοm home, οr tο ѕtаrt a home business, tһе money tһаt уου wουƖԁ һаνе tο invest іѕ minimal. Aftеr аƖƖ tһе work spot οr tһе “office” іѕ уουr οwn home, ѕο tһеrе іѕ חο additional expenditure аnԁ apart frοm tһіѕ уου wουƖԁ οחƖу need a computer аחԁ аח internet connection. Whether уου ɡο іח fοr selling οn ecommerce οr providing services tο customers аƖƖ уουr communication wουƖԁ bе done via email.

Home mаԁе craft аחԁ οtһеr such trade

Iח case уου аrе рƖаnnіnɡ οח selling wares mаԁе bу hand οr clothes tһаt һаνе bееn stitched bу уου, paintings οr even eatables, tһеn аƖƖ уου wουƖԁ need іѕ a work space οr table аnԁ mοѕt οf tһе tools wіƖƖ bе available іn tһе house. Sο іn аnу case уου still ԁο nοt һаνе tο invest much more fοr уουr work.

Tο mаkе money frοm home аƖƖ уου need іѕ ѕοmе talent аnԁ tһе capacity tο dream аnԁ tο mаkе уουr dreams come trυе. Wіtһ аƖƖ tһе compensations οf working frοm a home environment уου саn ԁο very well fοr yourself bу investing іח уουr time аחԁ talent tο ѕtаrt аחԁ mаkе money frοm home.

Counting уουr blessings аחԁ benefits οf working frοm home mυѕt surely want уου tο ѕtаrt уουr online work οr a home business аt tһе earliest. Check out аƖƖ tһе options οn Mаkе Money Frοm Home οr Mаkе Money аt Home now.

This suggestion towards gaining financial freedom is very practical and doable. Many are considering working at home because of the benefits mentioned above. It is worth looking into this option towards FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

Article frοm


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It is not always a lack of money that creates financial pressure. Many times it is simply a matter of attitude. If there is a right attitude toward money, freedom from financial bondage can be assured. God did not say that money and material things were problems; money is neither good nor bad. It is the use of money and the attitude toward money that is the problem. Therefore, Jesus regularly warned His followers to guard their hearts against greed, ego, and pride, because Satan can control God's people with these emotional tools. In the area of finances, God's people are extremely vulnerable. As such, they need to be encouraged to follow the necessary steps that will ensure money management according to God's plan, thus assuring financial freedom.

Transfer ownership
God has designated the most difficult step, transfer of ownership, as the first step. Once this has been accomplished, all other steps will fall into place.

As Christians, God expects that all possessions be transferred to Him. Since we can't literally place everything into His hands, this transfer becomes an act of faith. In essence, it means accepting the fact that God owns it all. Transferring ownership to God means that God owns all that we consider ours: clothes, car, home, family, income, debts, present, and future. Once ownership is transferred, God can begin to lead out of debt and into financial freedom. We then become stewards and managers of what belongs to Him.

So, if God is the owner of everything in Christians' lives, He can be trusted to change unhealthy spending habits (especially the abuse of credit cards) that cause debt, anxiety, and fear of the future. The key to maintaining this relationship is to understand properly the definition of stewardship. A steward is someone who manages the property of another. As His stewards, we are responsible for managing His property in a way that will please Him. God will not force His will on us, but if we realize our responsibility and transfer everything to Him, He will keep His promise and provide for each and every need. The first step in achieving financial freedom is to realize that since God is in complete control, all that we are, do, have or ever will have must be transferred to Him.

Get out and stay out of debt
There are many ways to get into debt but only one sure way to get out and stay out of debt: self-discipline.

Regardless of income, disciplined debt elimination is mandatory in order for a money management plan that keeps Christians out of debt to function properly. Proverbs 27:12 says, "A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, the naive proceed and pay the penalty."

Debt can best be eliminated by following these steps.

  1. Transfer ownership of every possession to God (Psalms 8:6, Deuteronomy 5:32-33)
  2. Allow no more debt, including bank and personal loans, and cut up all credit cards if unable to pay them off each month (Proverbs 24:3)
  3. Develop a realistic balanced budget that will allow every creditor to receive as much as possible monthly (Proverbs 16:9)
  4. Start retiring the debt (Psalms 37:21, Proverbs 3:27-28), beginning with the smallest debt first. Once the smallest is paid off, put all the money on the next, and so on.

Generally speaking, if these steps are followed, the average family will be debt free in less than five years and the problem that caused the debt in the first place could very well have been corrected.

In order to stay out of debt, two steps need to be followed.

  1. Develop a written plan of all expenditures in order of importance. Determine whether the expenditure or purchase is a need (basic necessities such as food, clothing, and housing), a want (things that make life easier, such as more expensive clothes, a VCR, or air conditioning), or a desire (more expensive wants, such as designer clothes, a new BMW, or a wide-screen TV).
  2. Open a savings account and get in the habit of putting something into the savings account regularly, perhaps every week or every month. The amount of deposit is not nearly as important as the consistency in making a deposit. This savings can then be used for specific purchases or emergencies, rather than making these purchases on credit.

Establish a tithe
Every Christian needs to give something back to God as a testimony to God's ownership. A tithe is the portion of our income that we give to God and to God's work. It should be the first part. “Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce” (Proverbs 3:9). Tithe means “tenth.” This is the amount most Christians use as a guide for tithing, but it really should be just a starting point for our giving. It's through sharing that God's power in finances is brought into focus. “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).

Accept God's provision
In order to maintain true financial peace, we must recognize and accept that God's provision—all that He gives—is what He has provided to direct our lives. Many Christians are under the impression that God directs financially only by an abundance of money. This is not necessarily true. Sometimes He directs by withholding financial abundance. As such, He expects His people to live on what He provides and not be pressured by the desire for riches and material possessions.

Put others first
Christians seeking financial freedom must always be willing to put other people first. “Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:9-10). It is not God's plan for us to get ahead in the world at the expense of others. Their welfare must be considered. “Do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased”(Hebrews 13:16).

Avoid indulgence
Unfortunately, most Christians in America are self-indulgers, rarely passing up a want or a desire, much less a need. To achieve financial freedom, indulgences and the tendency to spend more than what can be afforded on things that are not needed must be avoided. Indulgence is greed. “But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” (Ephesians 5:3).

Avoid snap decisions
Avoid impulse spending, get-rich-quick schemes, and other financial decisions made through intimidation. “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5). The best way to avoid these traps is to pray about each purchase, each financial decision, and each opportunity that is intended to produce extra income—especially if the decision will affect the family's financial welfare. “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes” (Psalm 37:7).

Most Christians have an upside-down view of money. They feel that the money they have is theirs and that God's money is the portion that they give to the church. God has a different view. As Lord, God, and King, He owns everything—including the money that we claim as our own. As such, He has clear ideas of how He wants His people to function and to make use of His possessions—ideas that result in financial freedom for His people, if they are followed step by step.

There are other approaches to finding financial freedom. This article is close to my heart. I have applied these practices in my life and I can say that it works! May you find your financial freedom too.

Article Source:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wealth Creation: 10 Steps To Financial Freedom

Wealth Creation: 10 Steps To Financial Freedom

From my research and study in the topic of building wealth, I have distilled all formulas and guidelines into 10 important principles. If you follow these simple principles and always think outside the box, you will be on the right path to achieve financial success and wealth that will last you a lifetime.

  1. CREATE & VISUALIZE YOUR GOALS: They will always lead to wealth creation. Set a particular goal and visualize it every day. In setting your goals, you should always be sure they are categorical, quantifiable, realizable, pragmatic and time bound.
  2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK: Never jump into any business venture, irrespective of how attractive it may look. This could set you up for failure and disappointment. The more interesting the business opportunity, the closer you ought to be in examining their claims on returns on investments.(ROI) As a budding entrepreneur it's important to test each business opportunity before you invest a significant amount of time and/or money.
  3. IDENTIFY A PROBLEM & FIND A SOLUTION: This is the key to creating sales and cash flow for your business. Be determined enough to stick with it and don't quit. Everyone is consistently attempting to find solutions to their problems. If you can offer them a quality product and an excellent value, then the world is your oyster. People are willing to open their wallets to those who can offer an easier and better life to them. One thing you must remember is that there are always problems waiting to be solved.
  4. THINK BIG & KICK ASS: The one thing that starts from the top and grows down is the grave. Otherwise, everything else in life starts small and grows up. When you grow up, you stay up, but when you jump up, you come down. Naturally, common-sense tells you that when you jump up, the force of gravity simply pulls you down. There's such a lot to be learned at the start of your business. It will be small, but you will be dreaming big! So as you have a giant vision to grow, your business will grow too! Remember the proverb... "To Think Is To Create"... Keep your vision, create a mission statement and share them with everyone you hire. With this you will all have a common goal to work toward each and every day.
  5. USE EARNED CAPITAL TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS: As you grow your business, remember to always use capital from your profits. Growing a business on borrowed capital is a very big risk indeed. You must be prepared to dance to the music when it starts to play. If you position the growth of your business, without acquiring debt, it will allow you to work harder and ensure you make the cash and merit the growth.
  6. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO WORK WITH: You need to be careful in picking the people you're going to work with in the business. If you truly want to grow your company, it is vitally important to choose people that are suited to the tasks that you assign to them. For example, you wouldn't hire a heavy machine operator to run your sales department, right? A great deal of time and money could be lost by attempting to put a square peg in a round hole.
  7. USE FISCAL LEVERAGING: When your business starts to grow, it will be reflective of your business income. The entire essential nature of beginning a business is to develop a consistent, foreseeable source of cash flow above cost and expenses. The bank will lend your business money based on the amount of cash flow it produces each month or year. So make sure that you keep the cash flowing even during slow economic periods. This may take some "thinking outside the box", but that is what being an entrepreneur is all about.
  8. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX:There will always be competition in any market you choose to enter. It is important to brand your business so you stand out from the others. When branding your business be sure to always be thinking outside the box. Come up with ideas that haven't been used before and you will surely get noticed.
  9. DON'T STOP LEARNING: Read, Read, Read... Always be learning about your product or niche, your target market, and how the economy may effect your business. It is important to always be attempting to stay one step ahead of your competition. Continuous learning will allow you the flexibility to make changes in the business when necessary to stay on the top of your game.
  10. LEARN FROM A MENTOR: It is much easier to achieve financial success by following in the footsteps of someone that has already been in your shoes and has reached the pinnacle that you envision for yourself. Find a mentor that you feel a connection with and has reached the level of success that you are striving for. Then listen to their every word. They will teach you the steps necessary to reach your financial goals and dreams. Remember that everyone that has reached financial success as an entrepreneur has followed in the footsteps of another.
This is so true! I have attended a business course south of Manila under the Semilya sa Kinabuhi Foundation (Seed of Life Foundation). One thing I have learned: we don't need borrow money to start a business. Building On Spiritual Substance, The Movement (BOSS) also has a principle by "Coach" Al Hollingsworth that says: we can start business without money. Lastly, I believe in what Tracy Ellis is recommending: that we need a mentor. How about you? Do you have a financial/business mentor? I do!

Article Written by Tracy Ellis, CEO of Ellis Global Inc.
For more wealth creation ideas and opportunities visit

Article Source:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Budget- the first step to financial freedom

The budget (a monthly cash flow plan) is the most important step in getting and keeping control of your personal finances. As the old saying goes, "Those that are failing to plan, are planning to fail." With 70% of all Americans living paycheck to paycheck and spending $1.22 for every $1.00 earned, it's no wonder that personal financial failure is more common than success.
The Small Business Administration says that the number one reason small businesses fail is due to a lack of planning. The financial affairs of your household are in effect, nothing more than a small business. The goal of every business, small and large, is to make profits. In regard to your household business, profits equate to savings. So, the number one purpose for a monthly budget is to establish control so as to protect and maximize your savings (see the SAVING section).

For the Christian, the Bible is very clear to point out our responsibility to plan (see Money Management Bible Study - "The Importance of Planning"). For a detailed step-by-step guide to using my budget organizer, go to the materials page and download the file "How to use the Budget Organizer". You can also download all of the necessary forms to set up your own budget book system, or download our Budget Planner spreadsheet. This program will do all the calculations for you. The Budget Planner uses Microsoft Excel. If you don't have MS Excel, you can download a FREE copy of Open Office, the global standard in free Microsoft compatible office productivity software (see the links on the materials page).

It is our goal to provide you with the instruction and tools you need to get started in your journey towards financial freedom!

It is good to know we can really attain financial freedom by following principles that are time tested and doable.

Want to learn more about doing a budget? Check out Christian Oriented Education, Inc.
